Jennifer Lucier

When a colleague suggested Jennifer Lucier consider joining the Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation Board of Directors in 2019, she was excited about the opportunity to have a meaningful impact on healthcare in her community.

“Joining the board enabled me to collaborate and connect with like-minded individuals with diverse perspectives, who all share a common commitment to improving healthcare,” said Jen.

And like any volunteer activity, Jen had to find a balance between professional work responsibilities, family commitments and volunteer work on the Foundation board.

“It would not have worked without my supportive network of family and friends, as well as my workplace at BDO,” she said. “In addition, following through on and committing to my day to day schedule while mastering the art of prioritization helped me balance and succeed both personally and professionally in these roles.”

For Jen, being on the Foundation board for five years was a privilege and showed her how a committed group of individuals can have a big impact.

“I’ve worked alongside my fellow board members as well as the staff at JBHF, all of which I have immense respect for as they are truly passionate about making healthcare better,” she said. “My time on the board has been great and one that I embrace with gratitude. I wish everyone at JBHF continued success and I look forward to continuing in my next chapter of development.”

The Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation would like to thank Jen, and all the volunteers who give their time generously in support of our hospital for making a difference for healthcare close to home.